Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Processing through life

So it has been a little over a month since I lasted posted something on here.  We have continued to grow as a family and all have grown on an individual level.  I can't explain what it means to live in God's will and know that this is where we are to be.  There have been struggles and we will continue to process through those and seek His guidance.  What follows are a few things that I have been processing through over the last month.

Anissa, Jackson and I went to NMC on a Wednesday night at the beginning of September and it was great to see a bunch of familiar faces that night.  It was great to have a lot of people asking how things were going and also how they could pray for us as we transition into living here in Keller Park.  That night Jackson got an acorn bank after his programing was over with.  This acorn is to put money in and the kids get to crack them open in November and the money is donated.  As we get in the car to go home Jackson starts talking about how he wants to fill up the bank.  He said he wanted to put the money he had at home in there and then he said this "I want to give all the money I have in the bank, that you guys put in there, in my acorn. I know that money is to help buy a car when I get older but I don't need a car I will just find a job that I can walk to."  I can't tell you how excited this made me.  His heart is in the right place and he understands far more than we know.  This also makes me think about what I'm holding onto that I don't really need.  We still have a lot of earthly treasures and we need to make sure that we are not valuing those over the heavenly treasures that God asks us to seek.

This was posted by Anissa last night.  "Now that I think about it God has put me here for the better me I can be, and the better of others. I miss Bremen but I am surrounded by better people here in Keller Park!"  I love her perspective.  I believe that God is doing a great work in her and the outcome is completely amazing!  After some recent conversations I'm happy to know that she understands that she is loved by not only her family but by an amazing God!

Recently this was posted by a friend of ours and all I can say is WOW! Here is what was posted "Needing some help, my 6year old son ask me this question "why do we celebrate touchdowns and not things that God does?" #greatquestion."  All I can say is this hit me like a brick.  Here was my response "Ouch, feeling convicted now. He brings up a very good point. Not sure there are any great answers. Being of the flesh leads us to being more concerned with worldly issues than eternal issues."  This again goes back to what we treasure.  It is something that I continually struggle with as it is hard to reprogram your thinking after so many years of thinking about nothing but material items.  God, I will continue to come after you with reckless abandon and seek your treasures and not those of this world!

I have had the opportunity to talk with a young man from the neighborhood on a couple of different occasions.  He has helped me look at things differently.  I have had to process a lot after our conversations and believe I'm a better person for taking the time to listen to him.  Our first conversation we talked about how life was going and where things were headed.  The following is by know means meant to demean or look upon someone badly, but it is completely about giving perspective on life and were we come from.  He talked of wanting a moped for transportation, I dream of owning a Mercedes. He talked about wanting a small place of his own, I dream of having a big house on Lake Michigan.  He talked about wanting to find a job, I dream of a day that I don't have to work. REALITY CHECK!  Our second conversation consisted of telling each other how we ended up in Keller Park.  I can not begin to think about what he has had to go through in his life to get to this point.  The thing is we have come from completely different backgrounds but we both seek the SAME God.  Our Lord and Savior are the same no matter where we come from, no matter what language we speak, or no matter what color our skin is.  I will end with this quote from my wife Chris "Until we know that skin color doesn't matter, nothing that really matters is going to change..."

Monday, August 27, 2012

The first few weeks

So we have been in the house for 3 weeks now.  Time has flown by!  A lot has happened in that time. We have met neighbors, seen neighbors move away in the middle of the night, gotten to know our Keller Park Church (KPC) family better, figured out some areas of ministry that we will help in, done some more work on the house, started school and have met/gotten to know the Bethel College Urban Ministry Experience (UME) students.  Other than all that not much has been going on!

So we had some neighbors who Chris had talked to a few times and a we had helped out by loaning a screwdriver and given them a couple of trash bags.  All very general neighborly things to do.  Then I notice Wednesday morning of this past week that they were gone.  They lived in the house when I went to bed on Tuesday night.  I'm not sure if this is something that is common in KP or if it was just the family.  I was praying that we would be able to build a relationship with this family as there were all kinds of issues that were apparent just from what I could see from across the street and the conversations that Chris had with the oldest daughter.  I know that we will not be able to save every family, but that doesn't mean that we are not going to at least try to speak some truth into those families lives.

Ephesians 4:15

New International Version (NIV)
15 Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.

Last Sunday we had a Back-to-School block party for the neighborhood at KPC.  We got to see our church being "the church".  It was an awesome experience to see all the people that came through the gates and that we got to talk with and build relationships with.  I got to do one of the things I love most and that was feed people.  I grilled at least 250 hot dogs and loved every minute of it!  Chris was helping out with the distribution of the backpacks and just trying to love on people.  Anissa also helped out as some of the girls from the neighborhood decided to do a bake sale to help raise money to fight sex trafficking.  KPC has decided to focus on sex trafficking and is coming behind International Justice Mission.  It was exciting to see the girls baking Saturday night and really taking ownership of the bake sale and coming behind a cause greater than themselves.  On Wednesday evening we hosted the last Community Dinner for this summer.  It was great to have our church family over for the first time and get to know everyone a little bit better.  We are excited to be able to host more gatherings in the future.

Chris and I also were presented with opportunities to help out with different ministries that will be starting up after Labor Day.  We have talked about what we would like to do well before we actually got here so we both knew what the other would like to do.  Chris is going to be doing tutoring on Wednesday nights through Homework Club which is headed up by Joel Boehner.  She will be paired with one student for the entire school year to help with homework on those nights.  This is also a chance for Chris to do some one on one mentoring with the student she is paired up with.  After having coffee with Kory Lantz ( two Fridays ago and going over some different opportunities that would be available I choose to become a tutor/mentor for a male student in the ISI program.  You can read more about the ISI program on Kory and his wife Alison's blog.  The following day Carrie Badertscher presented me with chance to do something else while helping out the ministry of the neighborhood.  On Tuesday nights The Crew meets, which is the weekly youth group.  Carrie asked if I would cook and plan the meals for these nights.  Now as for anyone who has been in one of my small groups can attest to, cooking and preparing meals is something that I love to do.  With my current work schedule I will be able to prepare the food every other Tuesday and will need help from within the church on the other weeks.  This is something that excites me as it's the best of both worlds for me.

This past week also allowed for the privacy fence and the lattice to be put up.  On Wednesday morning  6 guys for Teen Challenge in Elkhart showed up at our house to help put the fence up.  Once I explained that I didn't get as far as I had hoped we got going on pouring the concrete and setting the post.  Nick, who was the supervisor, asked if I would need help on Thursday to put the fence panels up? Well it of course I said yes to having help on this project.  I can't tell you how blessed we feel with the help we got from Teen Challenge.  It was also great to spend some time with the guys and get to hear their story and how things are going and I also shared our story so they could understand how we ended up here and how the help they were providing was actually helping.  It's so great to hear stories of God's redemption and grace.  I got chills from a lot of the conversations!

Chris and the kids started school last week.  There were many nervous moments and a lot of twist and turns.  The school situation in its self should be a blog post.  After a bad first day for Anissa they all seem to be getting along just fine.  We continue to pray that we made the right decision for both kids.

Last week we got to meet the Bethel students that will be living in the neighborhood for this year.  There are four guys and four young ladies living in two houses.  It has been great to get to know them and to see their loving hearts.  We are excited to spend the year with them and get to know them all better.

This scripture seems fitting for the journey that we have been on.  Thanks to Pastor Dave Engbrecht for a series on this a couple of years ago.

Jeremiah 29:11-13

New International Version (NIV)
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Moving--in so many ways

Well it has been a crazy last few weeks for the whole family.  We have packed, worked on the new house, visited the ER, cried, moved, cried some more, and felt totally blessed.  Now we attempt to settle in to our new home as it is no long just a house!

This past Saturday we moved most of our belongings from Bremen to Keller Park.  We felt so blessed to have all the help and prayer that we received that day.  With three trailers and three additional trucks we were able to load and unload in about five hours.  Thanks again to all that helped on that day!

As we continue to unpack and put the finishing touches on the house I can't help but be reminded of God's blessings on our lives.  How we came about getting the house, the location and size of the house and just the fact of where we have come from as a family.  We stand firm in that Gods timing is perfect and that we just need to let Him do His thing.

Moving forward we are excited about the ministry opportunities that will be available to us.  We will love like Jesus did and continue to grow stronger in Him.  He knows what is best for us and we will continue to follow.  The following song seems appropriate.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Getting close

So I've been wanting to do our first blog post for awhile but just haven't had the time or taken the time. So, here goes!

We are in full swing on getting the house fixed back up and ready for us to live in.  The floor guys started today and will be doing more work tomorrow.  Our bedrooms are done being painted with a few touch ups in Chris and I's room left to do. The kitchen floor will go down this weekend along with more painting.  I've been putting in a lot of time at the house this week.  It will be good to see it all come together.  We are on schedule to move in on Friday August 3rd and Saturday August 4th!

This week was also the KP basketball camp.  Both Jackson and Anissa participated and I was one of the counselors.  What a great way for us to get to know some others from the neighborhood.  It was also heart breaking for me to see the hurt that you could see in some of the kids.  I got the chance to speak with a couple of the boys in my group on a personal level and hopefully I will be able to continue to build those relationships.

I will admit that last night as I was driving back to Bremen I broke down crying about something that happened last night at camp.  I cried out to God for once again confirming that this is where we are suppose to be!  I also praised God for sending me to be an encouragement to these kids and the neighborhood.

1 Thessalonians 5:11

New International Version (NIV)
11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

I'm going to leave you with some pictures of our new house and some of the work that has/is being done.

                                                         The Front of the house.                                                                   
 The back of the house.
 Anissa helping paint her room!
 Jackson's room
 Master bedroom's floor. It will look the same as a basketball court when done!
Repair work on the floor.

In all that we do we seek to Glorify Christ first and foremost!
    Because your love is better than life,
    my lips will glorify you.  I will praise you as long as I live,
    and in your name I will lift up my hands.  Psalm 63:3-4